About Us

Adventurosa is an amalgamation of “adventure”, which is the spirit of this dream trip, and “rosa”, which means rose in Spanish and Portuguese, a universal symbol of love.

Rosa is a reference to the charity “Rosa Foundation” that this social enterprise supports, and is based on the core message of Islam, which is one of love and compassion for the creation of Allah.

Official Sponsor of the

Rosa Foundation

Adventurosa is a young social enterprise that supports the Rosa Foundation, a charity registered in the UK that seeks to support dynamic projects in Brazil that aim to make a difference in people’s lives from all backgrounds.

This is achieved by teaching Islam and trying our best to enact its spirit through fraternal engagements.

“Whoever spends in charity out of their lawful provision, Allah will accept it and expand it until it will be like a mountain”

Bukhari ~ Muslim






Donations collected